Welcome to the
neo search
We provide better search function
After gotten the data, we need to analyze it for the format of it is JSON. This means each tuple will have a key and a value, and we store the key and value in the node in our database. Every JSON object will be stored as a node.
There are two difficulties in the step.
First we need to search the keyword while the property is unknown of the node.
Second, it is hard to deal with multiple key words at a time.
To deal with the first problem, we store the properties in a file and store the file in the memory. Each time we read the file in the memory, so that a continuous search can be achieve.
As to the second problem, we deal with multiple key words as a string and split the string by space to get every key word.
The result will be returned to the front end in JSON format, just like the first step. Then we need to analyze the JSON format data and present it as a table to the user.
How to install
sudo apt-get install maven
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
sudo git clone
sudo git clone
sudo git clone
cd /usr/share/nginx
sudo rm -R html
sudo ln -sv
/opt/project/MultiDBs-KeywordSearchG-WebCleint2 html
cd /opt/project/MultiDBs-Utils
mvn install
cd /opt/project/MultiDBs-KeywordSearchG-Server2
mvn install
cd /opt/project/MultiDBs-KeywordSearchG-Server2/MultiDBsKeywordSearchGServerAPI
mvn install
sudo chown -R student:student project
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep java | grep multidbskeywordsearchgserverapi-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | awk '{print $2}')
cd /opt/project/MultiDBs-KeywordSearchG-Server2/MultiDBsKeywordSearchGServerAPI
Go to ~/GitHub/MultiDBs-KeywordSearchG-WebCleint2
and change the /MultiDBs-KeywordSearchG-WebCleint2/javascripts/knockout_models/ResultsView.js
set the restBaseUrl to the address for your lacal machine.
Go to MultiDBsKeywordSearchGServerAPI/src/main/
Set the properties of REST API to your own setting.
Then start service by: Start_service.sh
Open browser, enter “*/Generate/data”, which * means your own server address.
Then, you can use “*” to search.
What it does
REST API is a method to connect back end and front end, which can transmit JSON formatted data to a certain URL.
Input params
Out params
JSON formatted data
For example:
GET: a method used to retrieve and read a representation of a resource. We get the keywords from webpage and send back the result in JSON format.
Get to know our team members!
Back end, neo4j
Back end, neo4j
Front end, neo4j
Front end
Front end and report