
Multi-database system query with PrestoDB Server

This project is maintained by infsci2711

Multi-database system query with PrestoDB Server

Our WebClient Page

Desciption of Presto DB Project

Hi everyone! Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.
Our group use Presto DB 0.97 query engine to allow users run SQL queries according to metadata in MetaStore's database and allow user to save query results in indicated database.

1. In our web interface, we provide databases with their metadata(Database type, Database name......) from Metastore to help user write SQL queries.
2. Also, experienced users can run presto queries without knowledge of any metadata.
3. After executing the query, the user could save the returned result as a new datasource by clicking save.

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How to setup this project?
Server maintainance and future developer guide.
Our PrestoDB Documentation
Restful API Documentation
Limitation of Our Project
Presto DB Official Website
Presto 0.97 Official Documentation
Group Members:
Chi Ming
Hao Wu
Zhuoheng Xie
Mengdie Liu
Deepak Mathur
Dalal Sanket Rajeev