This project is maintained by infsci2711
Our project contains four main REST APIs.
API of converting SPSS file.
-Upload SPSS file, converting SPSS file to SQL query, create new talbe in database and store the data.
-Method: post
-Input Param: SPSS file
-Output Param: SQL query
API of request the file in the Dataverse
-Using the ID of the dataset in the Dataverse to download the desired file and upload the file to the server.
-Method: post
-Input Param: name : File name on Dataverse dataverseName : dataverse ID
-Output Param: None
API of reading from database
-Read from selected table in the database and showing the content in this table on a html page.
-Method: post
-Input Param: None
-Output Param: SQL query
API of request the meta data of dataset in Dataverse
-Search for a full name of a dataset in Dataverse, request the meta data of this dataset by using RESTful service and select the ID of this dataset.
-Method: post
-Input Param: Name of the dataset
-Output Param: meta data in json format